Paper Code: ETCS 302 | L T C |
Paper: Microprocessor Systems | 3 1 4 |
Computer Number Systems, Codes, and Digital Devices:
Computer Number Systems and Codes, Microprocessor Evolution and Types, the 8086 microprocessor family-overview, 8086 internal architecture, introduction to programming the 8086, addressing modes of 8086.8086 Family Assembly Language Programming:
Program Development Steps, Constructing the machine codes for 8086 instructions, writing programs for use with an assembler, assembly language program development toolsUNIT - II
Implementing Standard Program Structures in 8086 Assembly Language:
Simple Sequence Programs, Jumps, Flags, and Conditional Jumps, If-Then, if-then-else, and multiple if-then-else programs, while-do programs, while-do programs, repeat-until programs, instruction timing and delay loopsStrings, Procedures, and macros: the 8086 string instructions, writing and using procedures, writing and using assembler macros
8086 Instruction Descriptions and Assembler Directives
8086 System Connections, Timing, and Troubleshooting: A abasic 8086 microcomputer System, An example Minimum-mode System, the SDK-86, Troubleshooting a simple 8086-based microcomputer, Timing Diagrams8086 Interrupts and Interrupt Applications: 8086 interrupts and Interrupt Responses, Hardware Interrupt Applications
Interfacing 8086 with 8255, 8254, 8259, 8253, 8251, 8259, 8279.Brief Introduction to Architecture of 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, 8087 and Pentium architecture.
- D. V. Hall, "Microprocessors and Interfacing", TMH, 2nd Edition, 1999
- Peter Able, “IBM PC Assembly language programming”, PHI, 1994.
- James. L. Antonaks, “An Introduction to the Intel Family of Microprocessors”, Addison Wesley, 1999.
- Liu Gibson, “Microprocessor Systems: The 8086/8088 family Architecture, Programming & Design”, PHI, 1999.
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