Paper Code: ETIT 308 L          T          C
Paper: Digital Signal Processing 3           1           4


Discrete time signals and systems, Z-transforms, structures for digital filters, design procedures for FIR and IIR filters.

Frequency transformations:

Linear phase design; DFT. Methods for computing FFT. Noise analysis of digital filters, power spectrum estimation.

Signals and signal Processing:

Characterization & classification of signals, typical Signal Processing operations, example of typical Signals, typical Signals Processing applications.

Time Domain Representation of Signals & Systems:

Discrete Time Signals, Operations on Sequences, the sampling process, Discrete-Time systems, Time-Domain characterization of LTI Discrete-Time systems, state-space representation of LTI Discrete-Time systems, random signals.


Transform-Domain Representation of Signals:

The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT properties, computation of the DFT of real sequences, Linear Convolution using the DFT. Z-transforms, Inverse z-transform, properties of z-transform, transform domain representations of random signals, FFT Algorithms.


Transform-Domain Representation of LTI Systems:

The frequency response, the transfer function, types of transfer function, minimum-phase and maximum-Phase transfer functions, complementary transfer functions, Discrete-Time processing of random signals.

Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals :

Sampling of Continuous Signals, Analog Filter Design, Anti-aliasing Filter Design, Sample-and-hold circuits, A/D & D/A converter, Reconstruction Filter Design.


Digital Filter Structure:

Block Diagram representation, Signal Flow Graph Representation, Equivalent Structures, FIR Digital Filter Structures, IIR Filter Structures, Parallel all pass realization of IIR transfer function, Digital Sine-Cosine generator.

Digital Filter Design:

Impulse invariance method of IIR filter design, Bilinear Transform method of IIR Filter Design, Design of Digital IIR notch filters, FIR filter Design based on truncated fonner sens, FIR filter design based on Frequency Sampling approach.


  1. Sanjit K. Mitra, “DSP a Computer based approach” , TMH, 2nd Ed., 2001.
  2. Allan Y. Oppenhein & Ronald W. Schater , "Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2004.


  1. J. R. Jhohnson, “Intorduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI, 2000.
  2. B. Somanthan Nair, “Digital Signal Processing: Theory, Analysis & Digital Filter Design”, PHI, 2004.

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