Paper Code: ETCS 402 | L T C |
Paper: Artificial Intelligence | 3 1 4 |
Scope of AI:
Games, theorem proving, natural language processing, vision and speech processing, robotics, expert systems, AI techniques-search knowledge, abstraction.Problem Solving (Blind):
State space search; production systems, search space control; depth-first, breadth-first search.Heuristic Based Search:
Heuristic search, Hill climbing, best-first search, branch and bound, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction End, Means-End Analysis.UNIT - II
Game Playing:
Game Tree, Minimax Algorithm, Alpha Beta Cutoff, Modified Minimax Algorithm, Horizon Effect, Futility Cut-off.Knowledge Representation:
Predicate Logic: Unificatioin, Modus Ponens, Modus Tolens, Resolution in Predicate Logic, Conflict Resolution Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Declarative and Procedural Representation, Rule based Systems.Structured Knowledge Representation:
Semantic Nets: Slots, exceptions and default frames, conceptual dependency, scripts.UNIT - III
Handling Uncertainty:
Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Probabilistic reasoning, use of certainty factors, fuzzy logic.Natural Language Processing:
Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Processing, Pragmatic Processing.UNIT - IV
Concept of learning, learning automation, genetic algorithm, learning by inductions, neural nets.Expert Systems:
Need and justification for expert systems, knowledge acquisition, Case Studies: MYCIN, RI.TEXT BOOKS:
- E. Rich and K. Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, TMH, 2nd Ed., 1992.
- N. J. Nilsson, “Principles of AI”, Narosa Publ. House, 1990.
- M. N. Hoda, “Foundation Course in Artificial Intelligence”, Vikas Pub., 2004.
- P. H. Winston, "Artificial Intelligence", Pearson Education, 3rd Edition, 2002.
- D. W. Patterson, “Introduction to AI and Expert Systems”, PHI, 1992.
- R. J. Schalkoff, “Artificial Intelligence – An Engineering Approach”, McGraw Hill Int. Ed. Singapore, 1992.
- M. Sasikumar, S. Ramani, “Rule Based Expert Systems”, Narosa Publishing House, 1994.
- Tim Johns, “Artificial Intelligence, Application Programming”, Wiley Dreamtech, 2005.
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