Paper Code: ETCS 108 L          T          C
Paper: Introduction to Programming 2           1           3


Introduction to Programming:

Concept of algorithms, Flow Charts, Data Flow diagrams etc., Introduction to the Editing tools such as vi or MS-VC editors, Concepts of the finite storage, bits bytes, kilo, mega and gigabytes. Concepts of character representation, Number Systems & Binary Arithmetic.


Programming using C:

The emphasis should be more on programming techniques rather than the language itself. The C Programming language is being chosen mainly because of the availability of the compilers, books and other reference materials.
Example of some simple C program. Concept of variables, program statements and function calls from the library (Printf for example)
C data types, int, char, float etc., C expressions, arithmetic operation, relational and logic operations, C assignment statements, extension of assignment of the operations. C primitive input output using getchar and putchar, exposure to the scanf and printf functions, C Statements, conditional executing using if, else. Optionally switch and break statements may be mentioned.


Iterations and Subprograms:

Concept of loops, example of loops in C using for, while and do-while. Optionally continue may be mentioned.
One dimensional arrays and example of iterative programs using arrays, 2-d arrays Use in matrix computations.
Concept of Sub-programming, functions Example of functions. Argument passing mainly for the simple variables.


Pointers and Strings:

Pointers, relationship between arrays and pointers Argument passing using pointers Array of pointers. Passing arrays as arguments.
Strings and C string library.
Structure and Unions. Defining C structures, passing strings as arguments Programming examples.


  1. Yashwant Kanetkar, “Let us C”, BPB Publications, 2nd Edition, 2001.
  2. Herbert Schildt, “C:The complete reference”, Osbourne Mcgraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2002.


  1. Raja Raman, “Computer Programming in C”, Prentice Hall of India, 1995.
  2. Kernighan & Ritchie, “C Programming Language”, The (Ansi C Version), PHI, 2nd Edition.

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